I Was "Apparently" That Girl...

All throughout my Middle School and some of my High School years, when most people were starting to join cliques, I didn’t quite fit in with anyone.  I was that girl.  You know the one?  The loner, weirdo girl with no friends?  Well, I was that girl.

I had no real friends.  I was awkward, silent, and creepy.  The only person that wasn’t afraid to speak to me was a punk rockish girl named Jesse who seemed to go out of her way to say hi to me—not in a good way, but in an “I feel sorry for you” way.  Sometimes her constant habit of trying to be nice would annoy me because she seemed friendly, but she never wanted to really hang out or get to know me.

It wasn’t until years later (after we had truly become friends) that I found out the reason for her supposed friendliness.

Years later, while we were hanging out, I finally asked her about it. 

Me:            “Do you remember when we were in Middle School?  What was with the pity hellos?  Why did you do that?”

            Jesse:            “Do you really wanna know?”

            Me:            “Yes.”

            Jesse:            “You were the one.”

            *awkward silence*

            Me:            “What do you mean by that?”

Jesse:            “Well, if anyone in the school was going to snap and eventually blow half the school away, it was going to be you.  I just wanted you to think I was nice.  You know… just in case.”

Touché, Jesse.  Touché.  You were wise beyond your years and for that... I let you live.


  1. Ohmigawd! I was that girl too. I never did anything to deserve the title, but I got tagged regardless. And the hat you are wearing in the illustration is almost EXACTLY like one I have now.

  2. I love that hat. It just makes me feel awesome.

    And as for the label of loner freak. I deserved it. Not that I would have really blown the school away, but I wouldn't recognize myself now... I'm more outgoing and spunky; instead of drab and morose.

  3. HAHA! It's "cliques," buy the way.


  4. This is hilarious! Glad you two managed to hit it off despite her fear that you would blow up the school. Also good to know that you didn't. (Blow up the school, that is.)

    I've read a few of your blog posts and they are truly LoL worthy. Not just the hey-I'm-saying-LoL-because-it's-cute kind, but the genuine, laughing-out-loud-and-nearly-spit-coffee-all-over-my-monitor kind. Thanks for sharing your wit; consider yourself favorited. ;)

  5. You were never drab and morose, I remember you more over-studied and insanely-quiet. I loved the day I walked over to you, smiled, and I said "Hi, did you cut your hair? It looks cute." then you preceded to slam your locker and walk away emotionless. BTW now that D has shown me your blog I will keep track of you and spread the word of my fabulously freaky friend Tiff until she has conquered the world Pinky and Brain style (but with more success). JJAM
