About Me

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome...  I am you host, Tiffany.

I just recently graduated from Clemson University in South Carolina with a Bachelor's Degree in English.  And ever since then, all I've heard from people are frivolous questions such as, "Are you going to be a teacher?" or "What are you going to do with a degree in English?"

These questions come from people who dropped out of high school and don't understand that I go to school because I enjoy knowledge.  I truly want to better myself.

Who really cares what I do with my degree?  It's just a sheet of paper that shows I'm smarter than you.

Besides, no--I am not going to be a teacher; however, I'll tell you what I am going to do to the next person to ask me that question.  I'm going to take my diploma out of its protective covering and give you a major papercut... and then wait for infection.  If I'm lucky, maybe even amputation.