Two "HORS" and a "HO"

Today, my roommates and I decided to shoot some basketball—the only problem is that I haven’t played basketball in about 5 years.

The basketball court is surrounded by apartments, so while we were playing, people took it upon themselves to go out on their balconies and watch our horrible progression. 

I know it must have been funny to watch, as we played Horse.

In case you don’t know how to play Horse, I’ll explain.  If Person A makes a shot, then Person B must make that shot as well or take a letter—H.  If person A misses, then Person B can shoot from wherever they want without penalty if they miss.  If they make it, however, then Person C has to make the shot or receive a letter.  This pattern simply continues in circles until one of the players misses so many shots that they have spelled out H-O-R-S-E.

So, as I said, it must have been funny to watch us play as we continued to call each other by our prospective points.  For example, “ ‘HO!’ You can’t make that shot!” or “You are such a ‘HOR.’ “

As my skills slowly came back, I began to dominate.  In fact, I won every game.  I took personal pleasure in calling both of my roommates “HORS.”  In fact, most games, I was a “HO” while my roommates where the “HORS”—that is, until I won and they became the “HORSE.”

The only thing that upset me about today was that by the time we finished, we had an audience of guys, sitting on the sidelines, giving us pointers on how to play and then laughing at us as we played.

By the time we left, I wanted to patent the basketball bazooka.

That’ll teach you for criticizing my “shooting.”  I may not be as good as shooting hoops as I once was, but I’d still like to consider myself a good shot.


  1. What you don't realize is that I've got my scope locked on you right now. I'll I'd need to do is pull the trigger, and I'd have one less follower.

    I'm crazy! I'll do it.

  2. Have you taken your pills today, Tiffany?
